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ACFA Siberian Cat Breed Standard


Point Scale

HEAD (40)




General: The Siberian is a medium to medium-large, strong cat that hails from a very unforgiving climate…Siberia.  They first appeared in recorded history around the year 1000.  Oral tradition suggests the Siberian started to migrate towards the herders of animals where they were provided with warmth from a campfire and a few pieces of food scraps, and where their ability to bond to humans became a genetically ingrained survival trait, which buffered them from the harsh winter climate.  The Siberian is Russia’s native cat.  The overall appearance should be one of strength and force with an excellent physical condition and alertness, with a sweet facial expression.  The breed is extremely slow to mature taking as long as 5 years.  Adult males are usually larger than the females and allowances should be made for a size differential between males, females and young juveniles.  Type takes preference over size.  The general impression is one of roundness and circles, rather than the rectangles and triangles of similar breeds.

Shape/Size/Profile:  The head is a modified wedge of medium to medium-large size, but in proportion to the body, with rounded contours, broader at the skull and narrowing slightly to a full slightly rounded but moderately short muzzle, with noticeable whisker pads.  Female muzzles tend to be more delicate than that of the males.  The cheekbones are neither high set or prominent but apparent.  There should be a good distance between the ears and eyes.  In profile the top of the head is flat and the nose has a gentle concave curve through the eye region between nose and brow.  There should be a slight doming between the ears and an almost flat area on the forehead.
Ears:  The ears are medium, wide at the base and set as much on the sides of the head as on the top; minimum position is 1 to 1 1/2 ear widths apart.  In the larger more mature cats, there may be a wider distance between the ears.  The tips are rounded and the ear tilts forward.  Lynx tipping is preferred.  Hair over the back of the ears is short and thin; from the middle of the ear, the furnishings become longer and cover the base completely.  The inner ear has an abundance of ear tufts.  In juveniles and young kittens only, the ears may appear to be medium-large and closer together with usually no more than one ear width apart.
Eyes:  Moderately large, rounded, wide set.  If not held fully open the eye will appear to have the outer corner slightly angled toward the lower base of the ear.  Acceptable eye color may cover the entire green, blue-green, gold, hazel or copper spectrum.  Blue or odd-eyed allowed in white or ‘& white’ cats.  In the color point class the eyes are blue.
Chin:  The chin is well rounded but not protruding, and is in line with the nose.
Neck:  Medium, rounded, substantial and well muscled.

Body:  The body is medium in length and well muscled, with the back appearing to be arched slightly higher than the shoulders, with a barrel-shaped body, and a firm belly giving the sensation of solid weight.
Legs/Feet:  Fur on the front legs is thick, short to medium in length.  Fur on hind legs is medium to long, thick and feather like.  Legs are thick and dense and medium in length.  The feet are big and round and toe tufts are desirable.
Tail:  The tail is medium, somewhat shorter than the length of the body, wide at the base, blunt at the tip without thickening or kinks, evenly and thickly furnished.

This cat has a plush, medium length coat with hair on the should blades and lower part of the chest being thick and slightly shorter.  There should be a ruff setting off the head, though allowances should be made for juvenile cats.  There is a tight undercoat, thicker in cold weather.  Allow for warm climate coats.  The hair may thicken to curls on the belly and britches, but a wavy coat is not characteristic.  The skin may have a bluish cast.  Clear strong colors and patterns desirable, but are secondary to type.  Coat texture may vary with the color.


Accepted in all recognized colors/patterns registered by ACFA.


Pointed PatternBody:  The body will be lighter in juveniles but as the cat ages there will be a presence of ghost barring and the body will darken.  The points, consisting of ears, legs, feet, tail and mask show the basic color of the cat…  mask, ears, legs, feet and tail, dense and clearly defined.  Body color lighter than the point color.  Chest, bib and chin may be somewhat lighter in color.  All pointed cats have blue eye color.

  • Withhold Wins:  Any white on points.

Pointed & White:  The points (ears, mask, tail) to be well defined.  Mask to have a white inverted ‘V’.  Stomach and all four legs, feet and ruff to be white, body color a shade lighter than points.  May have various markings of white and color patches.  Nose leather and paw pads pink.

  • Objections:  Color patches on stomach or area designated white.
  • Withhold Wins:  White on ears or tail.  Dark markings on white area of mask.

Any color and white patterns:  A cat having white expressed only in the form of a locket or belly spots shall be transferred to the Solid Color Class.

A random combination of the indicative color and white in a pattern that is pleasing to the eye.  Having at least 1/2 white is desirable but not mandatory.  Eyes, nose leather and paw pads to conform to indicative coat color.  See solid and tabby color descriptions for indicative color descriptions.  Colored portions of tabby and white to conform to Classic, Mackerel, Spotted, Ticked or Patched tabby pattern descriptions.

  • Penalize:  Adult cat not having substantial weight.  Straight profile.  Narrow or fox-like muzzle.  Almond shaped eyes.  Very long legs, thin legs, small ears.
  • ObjectionColor:  Pointed & White – Color patches on stomach or area designated white
  • WithholdColor:  Pointed – Any white on points.  Pointed & White – White on ears or tail.  Dark markings on white area of mask.
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